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Griqualand West is an area of central South Africa with an area of 40,000 km² that now forms part of the Northern Cape Province, which was inhabited by the Griqua people.
In 1873 it was proclaimed as a British colony, with its capital at Kimberley, and in 1880 it was annexed by the Cape Colony.
When the Union of South Africa was formed in 1910 Griqualand West was part of the Cape Province, but continued to have its own "provincial" sports teams."
Griqualand East (Dutch/English: Nieuw Griqualand on government-issued documents; colloquially Dutch/Afrikaans: Griekwaland-Oos/Oost) was one of four short-lived Griqua states in Southern Africa from the early 1860s until the late 1870s and was located between the Umzimkulu and Kinira Rivers, south of the Sotho Kingdom.
Griqualand East's capital, Kokstad, was the final place of settlement for a people that had migrated several times on their journey from the Cape of Good Hope and over the mountains of present-day Lesotho.
Shortly before the death of its founder and only leader, Adam Kok III, the small country was annexed and incorporated into the British Empire's Cape Colony.
Though for a long time overshadowed in history by the story of the Voortrekkers, the trek of the Griquas has been described as "one of the great epics of the 19th century.""

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En 1877 Sous la protection anglaise.

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