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Date: 1/7/1903
Summary: ANDRE VOISIN WAS BORN in Dieppe, Normandy, France, January 7, 1903, and died in Havana, December 21, 1964. He actively participated in the French resistance against the Germany occupation until the end of warlike struggle. It was in this period that he began researches on earth and the herb as food. By means of an expressed invitation of Leader of the Cuban Revolution, and with the purpose to teach a course on cattle and agricultural specialties at Havana University, he arrived to the Island on December 3, 1964. On December 8 the cycle of conference at Havana University was opened. On December 11, in a lunch offered by the Ambassador of France and with the presence of the Cuban Prime Minister, Fidel Castro Ruz; Dr. Juan Mier Febles, Rector of Havana University, it was informed to Voisin he had been bestowed Doctor Honoris Causa in Veterinary Science by the high teaching institution, this distinction would have been awarded on January 7, 1965, in commemoration to his birthday. Nonetheless, a heart attack in the myocardium, in December 21, deprived the world to continue to have lively this notable man of sciences. (100 RBV).


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